I read The Black Incal by Moebius and Jodorowsky. This comic is set in the future and the main character's name is John Difool. His job is a private investigator and he is sort of like the anti-hero in main of the old Noir films. He is kind of rough looking, hasn't shaved in a whole, his clothes and all messed up, and he's got bandaids where he has been hit. Like the detectives from Noir, his motives are not totally pure and he hangs out with robot hookers and people from the more shady side of life. He finds the incal but doesn't exactly understand it or its power.
As far as the layout of the comic goes, it uses 4 basic colors in vibrant tones and with variations of it. The figures are realistic with all the usual body parts, but there are lots of nonhumans type monsters. The layout is usually 5-6 panels per page that are easy to follow but the speech bubbles are all over the place and very confusing. It's fun that they use the old fashioned word art for the sound effects such as KPOW!
Parts of the story are like ironic fairy tales. For example, he meets a princess that looks so pure, she is drawn with a halo. She pays him to take her to a place seek pleasure for kinky desire but if he doesn't get her back by midnight he doesn't get paid. She has sex with a freaky dog man and when Difool tries to get her to go home, she turns the dog man on him. The ironic part is that while they fight it turns midnight and she turns into a saggy old lady. I don't really don't see a difference with this comic compared to the ones in the U.S.
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